The Bleak – A New Comic

Wow, its been since March that I’ve posted last, and boy have things been so stinking busy!

Lately, I’ve been working on a new project. Its an original comic book that I am co-writer and lead artistic director for, and its called The Bleak.

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Its a story of a man, known only as The Traveler,  who journeys alone after an extreme cataclysmic event causes most of earth’s population to disappear.  He is haunted by a past that he cannot escape and hunted by ghouls seeking to devour his flesh and soul.

Seemingly, The Traveler believes that he is alone in this world, the only surviver of the cataclysm, but that is until he happens along an abandoned house deep in the wilderness. There The Traveler finds a nondescript walkie talkie and thinks nothing of it.

Until the voice of his daughter calls to him from it…

The script and the story is completely finished and currently we’re working on artwork for Issue #1 which is just about 50% done at the moment. We’re aiming for an August release.

Currently we are really shooting to increase the word of the comic.  Our main online site can be found at, and it would be greatly appreciated if we could increase our likes to help spread the word.  We should be releasing the cover for Issue #1 soon.

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Also we are having a free comic give away for a digital copy of Issue #1, you can check out the details of how to enter at our Facebook.

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